A significant military law conference is set to commence on Tuesday in Lusaka, Zambia, bringing together representatives from over 30 African nations. The four-day African Military Law Forum will focus on the crucial role of legal advisers in troop deployments, particularly as conflicts continue to threaten stability across the continent.

The event is co-hosted by the Zambian Defense Force, U.S.-Africa Command (AFRICOM), U.S. Army Europe and Africa, and the North Carolina National Guard. The forum will gather military leaders, magistrates, and legal experts to discuss the importance of upholding the rule of law during military operations.
Retired Colonel Max Maxwell, AFRICOM’s deputy legal counsel, emphasized the need for legal adherence in military deployments, particularly in remote and challenging environments. “Militaries deploy outside their borders to sometimes very remote places,” Maxwell said. “We want them to follow and adhere to the rule of law. What I mean is, soldiers are held accountable, commanders have legal advisers, and soldiers are inculcated in professionalism. In the end, we want armies that people run to and not run from.”
Maxwell highlighted that promoting professional conduct within the military is vital for the successful execution of missions and helps mitigate potential negative outcomes. “When an army is held accountable, and they are professional, and the commanders have legal advisers, then the result is that the army is more likely to execute the mission successfully,” he noted. “This standard of conduct promotes partnership and helps focus militaries on the rule of law, specifically professionalism, especially in the face of increased challenges and more complex conflicts.”
As African nations continue to face diverse security challenges, this forum aims to strengthen military professionalism and ensure that armies operate under the strict observance of legal standards.