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Africa Marks Three Years Without Fatal Air Accidents, IATA Reports

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has announced that the African region has not experienced any fatal air travel accidents in the past three years. This achievement was highlighted in the 2023 safety performance report, which also showcased a notable improvement in the region’s overall accident rate.

According to the report, Africa’s overall accident rate dropped from 10.88 per million sectors in 2022 to 6.38 in 2023, surpassing the five-year average of 7.11. This remarkable progress is attributed to the implementation of strengthened safety measures across the continent.

Of particular note is the fact that Africa reported no fatalities in 2023, marking a significant improvement in safety standards. This is the sixth time that the region has recorded zero deadly turboprop accidents, with the first incident occurring in 2015.

To further enhance aviation safety in Africa, IATA launched the Continuous Aviation Safety Improvement Programme (CASIP) under its Focus Africa initiative. This program aims to collaborate with states to strengthen the implementation of International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs).

Despite these advancements, challenges remain. The Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) and the AFI Regional Aviation Safety Plan for Effective Implementation (EI) of ICAO SARPs have increased the minimum SARP implementation criterion to 75% or higher. Unfortunately, only 12 of Africa’s 54 states currently meet this new criterion, highlighting the need for significant improvements in safety standards.

Overall, the 2023 safety performance report revealed encouraging trends. The all-accident rate for the year stood at 0.80 per million sectors, a substantial improvement from the previous year’s rate of 1.30. Additionally, the fatality risk saw a notable decline to 0.03 in 2023, demonstrating a marked improvement in safety standards within the aviation sector.

Willie Walsh, IATA’s Director General, emphasized the importance of continuous improvement in aviation safety. While celebrating the achievements of 2023, Walsh highlighted the need to remain vigilant and proactive in ensuring that flying remains one of the safest modes of transport.

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